Saturday, March 28, 2009

♥ This is a Boys group only, this group aims to know how many Boys are there on facebok! SO INVITE AND UNITE, SHOW THEM POWER...


How to Grieve and Recover From a Lost Love

How to Grieve and Recover From a Lost Love
Hard times everyone has to learn how to live through them. If your hard times are reminding you of people you love, or vise versa even, reading the following suggestions may help you survive the grieving process
  1. Dispose of items that remind you of the loved one. Did your boyfriend pass away in a tragic car accident? Don't leave car magazines lying around. This will just increase the problem. Instead, toss these magazines into the nearest waste basket and hope for the best.
  2. Pack away items that were given to you by the loved one. This doesn't mean that if your husband who died gave you a kitchen spoon you have to throw it out. This means that if they gave you an item such as a framed photo of themselves and you together that you should put that in a shoe box. Place the shoe box in the back of your closet.
  3. Reward yourself for not looking at your packed items and not going back to retrieve your tossed items. If you are being faithful to your recovery, reward yourself with a bit of chocolate, a movie, or a chat with a friend.
  4. Call a friend whenever the blues hit. Chat about hobbies, upcoming events, and new ideas. Stick to the present and try to avoid discussing the past.
  5. Work with other members of the family and other friends. Be a group. You all can work together to forget about this person. Be a team by supporting one another through the grieving process.
  • If you are dealing with more than one loved one here, use separate boxes for their things.
  • Visiting graves can be a nice thing to do, but in this case avoid visiting them. Have someone else go to the grave and put flowers to keep it looking nice and clean.
  • Time is the greatest healer. The sting of losing a loved one will slowly ease until only happy memories remain. Live one day at a time knowing each day will make the grieving process easier.
  • Don't forget them forever. Just put them in the back of your mind, set your mind at ease.

Things You will Need

  • Shoe boxes
  • A closet
  • Trash can
  • A phone
  • support

How to Know when You Love A Guy

How to Know when You Love A Guy

He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not... Shouldn't there be a flower that you can say I love him, I don't love him, I love him, I don't love him... You are probably thinking, "Of course I know if I like him or not! This is stupid!". Unfourtunatly, some people don't know; other wise, they are confused. Here are some tips that can officially help you find out if you love that person.

  1. Constantly checking his profile/ website/ blog. Whether it is an AIM profile or a MySpace, you're always trying to figure out what he is doing.
  2. Always smiling and being a good sport when you see him. This is one of the main ways to know you are in love, especially if you are one of those people who get mad easily.
  3. When ever you see him in a crowd, he is the only one you see. This may not happen to everyone, but it DOES happen.
  4. You can actually feel that you can act normal in front of him. Not like that Oh-My-Gosh-He-Is-So-Hot-I'm-Going-To-Go-Stalk-Him-Now type of thing.If you can be chill and stay comfortable, youre in.
  5. SMILE! You just can't wipe that huge grin off your face when ever you see him no matter how upset you are.
  6. Everytime you hear his voice, his face pops up in your head and you smile.
  7. He's the first thing on your mind when you wake-up, and the last when you go to bed.
  8. You just want to be with him every second of everyday.
  9. You cut off all contacts with other male friends, because he's the only one your focused on.
  10. Daydreaming about you two futures together.

How to Know when You Love Him or Her

How to Know when You Love Him or Her

Love is a word that that can be tossed around a lot. You love your family and some of your close friends. Here's when you know you really love someone.
  1. Think about what you want in a relationship. Write down your thoughts and feelings on what you think love is. This list is only for you. Don't write down what anybody else thinks about love other than yourself.
  2. Make sure you know the difference between love and lust or infatuation. Lust is a sexual desire. Infatuation is when you are "crazy" about them, but this feeling usually fades over time. If you have only been with this person for a short while, really think about if you are moving too fast or its only puppy love.
  3. Write down your feeling for them. How do you feel when you're talking to them? How do you feel when you haven't seen them for a week? How do you feel when you are making love? Express as much as you can through words.
  4. Think about the communication between the two of you. Is it cut down to a minimum? How do you deal with conflict? Do you bring out good or bad parts of each other? Can you show different sides of yourself? Do you lie to your partner on a basis?
  5. Ask yourself if you see and accept them as a whole person. Love isn't just loving the parts of them you like, but choosing to love them overall. If you cannot deal with them having imperfections, then maybe your relationship isn't as strong as you thought.
  6. Ask yourself if you would do just about, if not, anything for her. Would you risk everything you have just to be with her? Is it worth it?
  • Take your time; love isn't something that's cool to say or a word that you should throw around. There is a lot of meaning behind it so make sure you take your time and really know that you love the person when you say it.
  • Realize that there's a difference between "loving someone" and "being in love." You can love family, friends, etc. Being in love is similar, and sometimes based off the first kind, but is usually deeper and more intimate.
  • When speaking to family, make sure you let them know you love them. They will appreciate it.
  • When speaking to your other half, let them know that you love them by showing occasional acts of kindness, and following the steps above. When you feel the time is perfect to say it, come out and hope for a good response, be sure to say it with feeling. (no, not fake feeling either.)
  • Don't say "I love you" on your first date. The date may not appreciate it and you could be digging yourself a hole.
  • Repetitive use of the word love could lose its meaning so pick good times when to use it. The person may not take you seriously if you say it too often, and it could easily get very annoying quickly. Note the word 'could', chances are it can`t be said enough.
  • If you don't say it on a daily basis then the person could think you 'don't' love them. It's never annoying to hear 'I love you' even if it's said on the way out the door. It's something you get used to very quickly and maybe even taken for granted. But you know the old saying. You never know what you have until it's gone. Put a smile on the face of the person you love and tell them.
  • When people stop saying 'I love you' that's when a relationship starts to die.

How to Flirt Through Text Messages

How to Flirt Through Text Messages

Flirting has finally come to the 21st century, as you can give some the hint, by using a text message.

  1. Be up to date with the language. Try learning 'Net Speak', such as "OMG!" "LOL" or "C U," or "C U L8R" to make you send your messages faster. (Oh my God/Gosh, Laughing out Loud, See you and See you Later)
  2. Use symbols when talking such as :) - XD - =) - ;) (Be creative).
  3. Try to make inside jokes between you and the person you're attempting to flirt with.
  4. Connect in anyway possible, example, talk about common interests.
  5. Compliment the other and show off, for instance, if they say "Hey whats up" reply, "hey cutie, im getting ready to go to the gym" (or whatever seems right).
  6. Try to keep the conversation going.
  7. If the conversation reaches a dull point, and you can't think of a way to get out of it. Just say "alright i g2g ttyl <3>
  8. Say their name sometimes, just not too much or it may getting annoying. EX. "Joe! That's a great idea!"

  • Don't try to get someone to like you just over text messages.
  • Be constant; don't flirt just over the phone and not in person, because he'll think you're joking.
  • If they have to leave for a minute, don't keep texting them until they get back; it's annoying and seems clingy.
  • As with all flirting, don't come on too strong.
  • Call him babe or babey some times,
  • also dont be too pushy and dont say i like you over a text that freaks them out
  • Text them things they will remember you by, so that you come up in their mind over the next day
  • Be careful who you let read your text messages.
  • Don't just ramble on. Being boring is anti-flirting.
  • Don't always be the one to text first. Let him text you first once in a while, because he could get annoyed.
  • Check your spelling and grammar. You don't want him/her to misunderstand what you wrote and take it the wrong way, or not even understand what you meant at all.

How to Let Her Know You Love Her

Letting her know you love her is possibly the hardest thing a man has to do, hopefully with the help of this article you might hit the bulls eye.

  1. First, get to know the girl you want to go out with, BUT DON'T JUMP AHEAD, just start off with some conversation, give her a compliment every now and then, if she blushes then you're definitely on the right track.
  2. Sit next to her if she's in your school, if you can get a little closer, so she can adjust to your wavelength and she might even know what you're trying to say without you saying anything.
  3. Swap numbers or email addresses, but remember one thing. She is the one who will say "Hi" everytime you log on, never ever start the conversation off, the same with texting, she will be the one who texts 50000 times a day, and you WILL respond to every single one of them, that way she knows you're listening. You don't have to act interested, but don't let her know this, crack a few jokes over the phone when you get to that stage and if you can, keep her on the line as long as possible, it might give you an expensive phone bill but a woman admires anyone who listens to her. Also make sure you and her have the same tastes, like music and tv shows etc. If she is different to you, just say you like that as well even if you don't. A woman likes it when you like what she likes, even if you don't but don't tell her that or she'll think you've been lying the whole time.
  4. Once you start to get better acquainted, ask her out for a date, now this step is critical: NEVER EVER DO IT OVER MSN OR IN A TEXT, she will think you're too scared to ask her personally and she won't take you as serious if you did as her face to face. You know she wants to because she replies positively, but if she says "Another Time" or "I might not be able to go" Don't think she doesn't like you, she will date you when she's ready. Also, try and take her somewhere nice, if you're going to grab a bite to eat, take her someplace nice, never McDonalds or she might think you're low class, let her choose, love is expensive, you need some money to get round her every now and then.
  5. During the date, show gestures and positive body language, you know she is really liking you because she looks at you, looks away and flutters her eyelids at the floor. If she tries touching your hand and gives silly excuses you know are lies, that's good too, she wants to get physical with you, but don't overdo it. Look at her face, not at her chest, this shows you respect her and she'll like this. If you have to burp or fart, keep it in, never ever release it, she'll be grossed out and might find you unattractive. If she stares into your eyes and smiles, take this as a definate sign she enjoyed tonight, but don't assume she loves you, that will come later.
  6. Take her home, walk her or drive her, when you get there, walk her to her door, this will definately let her know you're loyal and really really like her, it would be better to walk her home rather than drive her there, if she tries to hold your hand, let her and hold her like she's a piece of delicate glass. If she starts blushing or sweating, this is a very very good sign, if she says "I had a wonderful night" this is good, if she pecks you on the cheek, even better, but let her kiss you then leave her to go in her house, never ever try and go for the lips, unless she goes for yours first.
  7. So you've taken her out, got the sign she likes you and she gave you a peck on the cheek. Now you have to persevere, if it's valentine's day, send a friendly gesture, a box of chocolates or teddy bear is a classic, this will tell her what you wanted to say, you really love her, she knows you love her but you need to get her side of the story as well, it's doubtful she wouldn't want to go out with you at this point, but once she gives you the answer you want, keep your relationship strong. Who knows you might even get more than a kiss next time :-)

How to Define Love

How to Define Love

“How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”
— Albert Einstein

Love is difficult to define. How do you avoid confusing it with infatuation or lust? Philosophers and psychologists both have attempted to define love, or at least its difference from infatuation and lust. If you are looking to find love, the following observations may be helpful.

Love is much more than a risk, but is a risk that one can take and grasp and fall into a dark abyss or dig oneself a hole and only crawl back when you overcome your emotions.

How can one truly define what love is? Not even an experienced person can truly grasp or explain love to its truest and deepest meaning. Its concepts are just a never ending story of an open book of experiences. But love does lie in one's heart, where memories are but shadows lingering in your soul.

  1. The dictionary defines love in several ways in which we use the word. For example, love is:
    1. A strong positive emotion of; affection or pleasure; e.g, "His love for his work." or "I love cooking."
    2. Any object of warm affection or devotion or liking: "The theater was her first love". "I love French food".
    3. Beloved: a beloved person; used as a term of endearment.
    4. A deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; e.g., "She was his first love" or "She loves her husband."
    5. A score of zero in tennis or squash: "It was 40-love!"
    6. Sexual love: sexual intercourse between two people. e.g. "They made love." "He hadn't had any love in months".
  2. Love is characterized by the desire to want good things for that person no matter what. And you're willing to work out your problems together. And you can hardly breathe when you're around them. Even though you may see them all the time or hardly ever, it's as if you get that rush of what you felt when you got your first kiss.
  3. The Greeks defined love in four categories:
    1. Agape love is unconditional love. It is love by "choice" even if you are not pleased. A good example is "God loves us with our faults."
    2. Philia love is the dispassionate virtuous love, guided by our likes or our healthy or unhealthy needs and desires.
    3. Storge is the word for family love and the physical show of "affection", the need for physical touch. Sometimes the love between exceptional friends. See also: WikiPedia:Storge
    4. Eros is the physical "sexual" desire, intercourse. It is the root word of erotic, and eroticism.
  4. Define love by thinking of what it means to you. Be bold and write down the feelings and thoughts you have about love.
  5. Be aware of moments when you feel love towards anyone or anything.
  6. Consider your motives, what are you each getting from the situation, especially if it is progressing too quickly.
  7. Think about whether you'd feel the same way if the other person's looks were to change (is it just attraction).
  8. Capture your feelings in metaphors, poetry or songs. "Love is like..."
  9. Define love like a psychologist: love can be viewed as having three parts, triangularly. There are three key components:
    1. Passion underlies physical desire, sexual behavior, and arousal. This is the physical side.
    2. Intimacy is the emotional aspect: closeness, connectedness, and warmth of friendship.
    3. Commitment is the decision-making part "CHOICE" of love; are couples willing to work it out?
  10. Expressing love may start as flirting with smiles, winks and maybe even kissing, but it is usually infatuation at this point, approaching with curiosity by one or both parties. While time is usually spent looking to discover more about this intriguing person, much time will be spent pondering the many possibilities of what could happen, or the consequences that may become of a certain action, or on the other hand the good that may come of it.
  11. Thrill as the person in love having little else of such interest in the real world, food may taste bland, concentrating has become a serious mental struggle and even fun pastimes may seem worthless, as pacing and walking or even simply sitting or lying while musing about the person seems a most engaging thing to do.
    • This type of behavior can lead to serious disturbances at work and at home, especially if the person feeling love is already an item with somebody else with whom they may have shared these feelings at some time in the past.
  12. Deeply in love--never scientifically proven to exist--it is thought that one can only be really in love with one person at a time. The part of the human being that is reserved for sharing with another (which some may call the soul, or the heart) is used up while dedicating itself to that one source, and that it is impossible to feel the overwhelming feeling of love in two sources: "twice-at-once" sounds impossible!
    • Although similar, love is thought not to be like pain which has definite locations; it is thought that it can move around, although usually it will reside in the lower stomach or the bottom of the throat, with sensitive areas like the temples and the legs and joints feeling stressed and weak. The mouth is often dry and the eyes seem strained, and this is all usually given the diagnosis of love sickness, or in some cases where love isn't present, influenza.
  13. Endure for a time. Time does seem to be the only healer in the case of lost love. The full connection of two loving parties (mutually) could lead to a stronger relationship, and developments such as procreation and marriage; but in the case of a single party or the rejection of the first party by the second, or even in the case of a secret love, being in love will usually only fade after the interest is out of sight and out of mind, or gives full closure to the pursuer.
  14. Love forever (especially in literature)--it is forever. No matter how much time passes by, or what obstacles become present in the path of true and pure love, love will endure. This may be far fetched from reality, but many find it to be a preferable way to think.
    • Although this may be a much more joyous belief to have of love, there are also those situations where love does fail. This can be easily said to have been due to false love of mistaken identity between persons (as lovers are star crossed and are meant to find each other). Either way, the difference between feeling love and not feeling it is a distinct one, and cannot be mistaken. It is a true sickness that is present and can be more crippling than the flu, depression and many other illnesses combined.
    • Love can cause war; in the cases of love of religion and the love of money; war can cause people to steal and murder, it can lead to suicide and shatter marriage and family life, it can spread disease and give birth to evil; but love is eternal and cannot be eliminated, it is what makes people human. "I think therefore I am" may also be translated as "I love therefore I am".
  15. Allow yourself to think so you may choose why, where and when to find your life partner not just for simple breeding or survival of the fittest, but in order for developing and choosing as human beings not just feeling beings.
  16. Share your love and spread it on through new generations, so while love lasts eternally, your mark upon humanity is also forever through your children and children's children; you make your mark by your genetic codes, understandings and teachings continuing--passed on and developed forevermore!
    • This eternal possibility is a gift, not just dedication; you have to choose as we were born with conscientiousness, not like animals who only have instinct.
    • Desire is the want of more and is unfillable, not to be confused with Love which is joy and contentment.
  • There are many combinations, all of which form some kind of love. Is there passion and friendship but very little commitment? This is defined as "passionate love." Are you committed but feel no passion or friendship? This is called "empty love." What most people ultimately desire, is "TRUE LOVE" the total package: passion, intimacy, friendship and commitment in one healthy relationship. It's the most fulfilling love. It is unconditional, and in my opinion the only "CHOICE".
  • For inspiration, read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's famous poem, "How Do I Love Thee?"
  • For additional inspiration, you might want to consider this Shakespeare quotation: "Love is not love/Which alters when it alteration finds" (Sonnet 116)

Spiritually Speaking

  • It is also said that love is one of God's greatest, most complex creations, and even that "God is love!"
  • What greater love is there than one would risk or give his life for a sinner, but in this way God proved His love for us. While we were still sinners and enemies to God: He provided a way for us to receive His greatest gift of love.
  • Just because you feel love doesn't mean the other person does!
  • People are capable of falling in and out of love so if your "true love" turns out to be abusive or makes you cry more than smile, end it and find a healthy person to love.
  • Remember there are levels of love, and true love is a "CHOICE" and just because someone says they love you doesn't mean they do love you. Their actions will tell.
  • "Love is not a feeling, it's an ability."
  • Love can take over your whole life if you are not careful. Let it not take you over, but become a part of who you are. When you think about the person you love it should make you want to be a better person, for them.

How to Flirt if You Are a Shy Girl

How to Flirt if You Are a Shy Girl

You like this guy in one of your classes at school and you would love to get to know him better, except that you are way too shy. No worries. This guide will help you!
  1. Find the right location and timing. Sometimes the best flirters can't get their crushes because they flirt at the wrong time and place, so you should plan ahead on when and where to flirt before you make your move. Try talking in the halls, at the lunch table, before class, or while running in gym class. Don't try getting his attention when he is surrounded by a huge group of friends, unless he invites you over. Not possible? Go up to him when he's only talking to one or two friends.
  2. Joke around. Most guys love girls with a sense of humor. Mention comedy shows/movies, such as 'The Simpsons', 'Family Guy', and 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'. If you don't know any of these shows/movies, then ask your crush about them. Or mention something funny that one of your teachers did in class.
  3. Be casual. Guys do not want to be around drama queens. Your dream boy does not want to hear about your big fight with your BFF, especially when you two are only getting to know each other. Try to be low key and stay to topics such as movies, teachers, homework, sports team, and books. Getting to know guys as friends first will make things easier for you!
  4. Ask questions and tell stories. Don't talk about yourself all the time! If he's being a bit quiet during a conversation, ask him a question, like "So, what did you get on the math test?" or "You will not believe what we did in science class today!" Be a bit excited so he'll listen.
  5. Flirt with him physically. If you two are sitting next to each other while talking, elbow him slightly and laugh when he teases you. If you have known each other for awhile, you can wink and touch his hand subtly and get away with it.
  6. Be slightly hard to get. You shouldn't throw yourself at him to get him to like you. Being a little hard to get gives him a challenge. For example, if he ask you if you want to go to the movies, say "I'm not sure, I might have plans." Say it with a little smile and he'll know that you're just teasing. And if you actually like him and want to do more than just flirt, mention that you like someone. It'll drive him crazy and he'll want to know who it is and if it is him or not. It will also strike up a conversation, which is an ultimate plus.
  • Use your quirks as an advantage! If you snort when laughing and he starts making fun of you, say in a nice-but-teasing tone, "Well, excuse me if I'm not afraid to be different!"
  • Be fresh and clean! Remember to shower and shave, use deodorant, and if you want to, put some light weight perfume that smells like lemon or vanilla.
  • Smile! Even if you have braces, give him a little smile to adore!
  • Have faith in yourself. Even if you are scared to talk to a guy, just pretend you are talking to one of your friends.
  • Remember, flirting should be fun, not hard. If it doesn't work out, there is always other people to flirt with.
  • Do not flirt with guys who have girlfriends. This will lead to major drama, especially if the boy you like is your friend's boyfriend. Wait until they break up!
  • Just because you are skinny, beautiful, and rich doesn't mean that a boy will like you. You need to be nice, genuine, and funny.
  • Be careful when flirting. People sometimes get hurt when flirting. Protect your heart!
  • Flirting should be fun. If the guy doesn't like you, move on to the next guy. There are many out there!

How to Flirt

How to Flirt
Flirting is, at its most basic, a way to meet potential mates and see if they are compatible. In some situations, such as at a dance or a party, flirting is the only way to open the door to a romantic relationship with someone you don't know and might not otherwise ever see again. Because of all of this, flirting is a very important skill, and it's one that makes a lot of people nervous. There is an art of flirting, though, and it's an art that can be learned. Here are some pointers.
  1. Lower your expectations. Flirting is fun, but only if you don't take it too seriously. Most of the time, you'll just flirt with someone for a short time and then maybe never talk to them again. If you always go in to flirting expecting to date or even marry the person you're flirting with, you're going to be very disappointed--and you'll probably seem a little desperate. Remember, you're just flirting.
  2. Relax and smile. Use your body language to give signals that you are the fun person that you are, and to show that you're comfortable and confident. There's nothing to be nervous about.
  3. Read body language. Does the person look approachable? Do they appear interested in you? From the moment you see someone with whom you might want to flirt, you should read his or her body language. Once you're actually flirting with the person, body language is often the only way to tell if the person is actually interested in you . We all have a natural ability to read body language, but it's easy to misread signals, so be careful and take it slow. If you see one signal that indicates the person is interested in you, watch for other signals that might confirm that.
  4. Make eye contact, but not for more than a moment or two. Do not stare. Just shoot the person a quick gaze, smile with your eyes, and then slowly look away. If you look back and notice the person looking back to meet your eyes, they're likely interested in flirting a bit.
  5. Initiate a conversation with the person you're interested in. If you don't already know them simply make small talk. Perhaps the best way to strike up a conversation is to start with a simple observation which ends with a question: "Nice day, isn't it?" or "This place sure is packed, eh?" are just a couple examples. What you say isn't important. You don't really need an answer to the question; you are simply inviting the person to talk with you. If the person responds pleasantly, continue the conversation. If the person doesn't respond or seems preoccupied or disinterested, he or she probably isn't interested in flirting with you. At the beginning of the conversation, you don't want to talk about anything personal. Talk about the environment around you, the show you just saw, etc., but don't talk much about yourself and don't ask the other person personal questions.

  6. Gradually share information about yourself in a reciprocal manner. If this small talk goes well, proceed to share a little information about yourself--just something small like what you do for a living or how you liked the show you just saw, for example. At some point, of course, you'll want to introduce yourself and, hopefully, get the other person's name. The key to sharing information is that you both gradually open up. Take turns talking, and each time the other person gives you some information about himself or herself, give similar information about yourself, and maybe give slightly more personal information than that person gave. For example, if you're talking to a girl who says she's taking summer classes, you might disclose that you are also taking summer classes, and then proceed to tell her which class you are most excited about. This invites her to disclose more information about herself. In this manner, the intimacy of the conversation increases over time. You don't want to share too much about yourself too quickly, and you shouldn't try to get the other person to do so either.
  7. Give the person your complete attention. Laugh at their jokes, listen to their stories, and don't get distracted by what's going on around you. It's more important to seem interested than to seem interesting, and you don't want to hog the conversation. Being a good listener is far more important to successful flirting than being witty.
  8. Use body language to hint at your romantic intentions. If things are going really well, you might want to try to break the touch barrier. Touch his or her arm briefly and gently as you talk. Or be more assertive and hold the person's hand when you cross the street, or if walking to a seat or a table, lead them by gently holding their arm. Touching in this manner helps break a "personal space" barrier. Pay attention to red flags, because some people have "personal space" issues and you don't want to make them uncomfortable. In general, women can get away with touching much earlier in a conversation than men can. Many women feel a little threatened when a man they just met enters their personal space, while most men are more open to being touched. In any case, proceed with caution, and back off if you get negative or mixed signals from the person.

  9. Close the deal. Most flirting is just harmless fun, and nothing will ever come of it. Every now and then, though, you'll meet someone who you'd like to see again and who you think would also like to see you again. Flirting is, after all, a type of courting ritual, a way to meet potential boyfriends or girlfriends, maybe even your future spouse. Don't worry about wedding plans just yet, though; start by getting the person's phone number. For most people, this is the hard part, because you have to actually make your intentions known, and in doing so you risk rejection. Be brave. Tell the person you'd like to see him or her again, and just ask for their phone number or, if it feels right, try to set up a date for some future time. If the person isn't interested, don't sweat it. There'll always be another guy or girl to flirt with.
  • What you say is not particularly important(as long as it's not completely idiotic), but whatever you say, try to keep your conversation positive. Don't be negative, arrogant, or pushy; just be friendly.
  • When you first start talking with someone, don't aim to flirt. Just aim to have a conversation. This takes a lot of pressure off both of you.
  • Do not pursue anyone if they do not reciprocate. Walk away if the person doesn't seem interested. Don't presume they're playing "hard to get" because they might interpret any pushiness in a negative light.
  • Compliment can go a long way. It's a great idea to compliment the person during your conversation, but don't try to pass off a compliment that you don't really mean, and be careful about compliments that might be embarrassing or offensive (compliments about a woman's figure, for example).
  • If you don't feel comfortable asking for their number, try giving them your number. If they are truly interested in you they will give you a call. You could also pass them your email address that way the conversation could continue without any pressure.

  • Do not flirt with someone who you are sure that you're not romantically interested in, period. Otherwise, you risk accidentally leading them on, which can lead to an embarrassing moment and uncomfortable interactions afterwards. But still remember that you are not getting married, yet. Flirting is like compliments, in that it should have a kind of sincerity attached to it. Flirt with people who seem different than you or who you do not know much about, and they could surprise you.
  • Use flirting that is appropriate for the setting. Meeting at a library or loud dance hall, for example, might not be conducive to talking too much. In this case, smile, act interested, and wait for a spontaneous opportunity to meet at the punch bowl or in the lobby. Do not however, appear to be a stalker or you will scare them away.
  • Flirting is not appropriate everywhere. Funerals, for example, are generally not good places to flirt. Flirting in the workplace is also generally a no-no. If you happen to flirt at work, be on your best behavior, and don't press the issue if the other person isn't interested.
  • Thoughhumor is often a good way to flirt with people, try not to make any jokes that might make your flirting recipient uncomfortable. Though dirty jokes often come to mind when flirting with someone, they often have little or no place in a conversation and can result in the person being turned off or an awkward silence, killing the mood and making you feel embarrassed. Think before you speak, and remember, you don't have to be funny all the time.

How To Get a Girl Friend

How To Get a Girl Friend
For all those who haven't been able to find a girlfriend, follow these steps to become attractive to women.
  1. You don't have to be Brad Pitt to get a girl. For the most part, just caring about how you are is enough. Wear clothes that fit, and make sure your body is clean. (Keep clean teeth, tidy hair etc.)
  2. If you want to know how to get a girlfriend, one thing you can never forget is confidence. Girls love a confident man - it dates way back to the age of the caveman, when a woman desired the alpha male of the group (the definition of confidence). Show a girl that you are a confidence leader, and a girl will show you more attention.
  3. Keep up a good posture, walk steadily and smile. Women do not like slouchers. Bad posture gives the impression of low confidence. Smiling makes a guy more friendly and welcoming. A good walking style, (straight back and taking well-distanced strides) gives the impression of intelligence. One thing that you shouldn't be afraid of is; what other people think. If you like this girl go out and get her despite what other people think. It's your life.. not theirs ...
  4. Wearing a large amount of cologne is not a good idea, wearing two or more different types of cologne is an even worse idea, and always remember that with your smell, a little goes a long way.
  5. Pick a location frequented by a significant number of girls where you feel fairly comfortable, perhaps a place that is conducive to a skill of yours: music, public speaking, or a private intimate conversation. Go out and have a good time. Guys who stare and walk around constantly looking for women immediately lower their value. Go out with your friends to a bar or club (or any public place, such as a bookstore, if you're more of the studious type) and start out by genuinely having a good time. The Internet does not count.
  6. Be funny. If you're not naturally funny, don't try too hard around her. Situational humor in the form of dry observation is more interesting than an actual joke with a set-up and a punch-line.
  7. "Plant some seeds". Flirt casually with waitresses. Make a passing comment and smile to a girl walking by. Toast a woman at the bar (try not to be too creepy though). Then go back to having a good time with your friends. In a short time, you'll notice women slowly gravitating to you.
  8. Talk. Silence is uncomfortable. (On the other hand, women or men who do nothing but talk and never listen can be annoying.)
  9. Learn how to flirt. Flirting is an art, and is easily the most important social skill for men to learn. Try taking a comedy class, or talk to her like she's your little sister...but do so with a smile, so she will know you are kidding.
  10. Connect with her. Find out what you have in common, and reward her with a smile and a story of your own if she tells you something unique about herself to which you can relate. WARNING: If she gives you something like "Oh, I like to go shopping", don't reward her for that. It's not unique. Instead, ask for more information and then connect with it.
  11. Look and touch. Looking into a girl's eyes shows respect and interest. A firm handshake, a gentle pat on the back, a light touch of the hand and other subtle gestures allow the girl to feel connected with the guy.
  12. Feel great. The feeling will radiate and affect the lady too.
  13. Don't pretend to be someone you aren't. You may think you will win her over with like-mindedness, but in the end she will find you out. Find a common interest, something you both like instead.
  14. Show your interest. The best way to get out of the "friend trap" is to avoid it from the start. After finding common interests, make your intentions clear. "You know, I just realized it. Not only are you pretty, but you're fun to talk to."
  15. Ask for her number. Give her your phone, tell her "Put your number in my phone and I'll call your phone so you'll have mine."
  16. And once you establish that special, exclusive relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend do not--I repeat--do not stop the chivalry. Women are too special to only be waited on conditionally. The best way to show her you care is to continue to do the little things for her. You still need to open her car door, walk her home, kiss her goodnight. ALWAYS call her at night to bid her goodnight (it's best to wait a few hours after your date to do this, otherwise you'll seem a tad desperate.) Remember, show affection and respect and you'll get affection and respect.
  17. Look in the right places for girls. Make sure that when you're looking for a girlfriend, you actually look in the right places. Looking for women at a bar or a club is not the right thing to do. Make sure to stay within your league, and go for girls that already seem to have some of the same interests that you do.

  • Always try to laugh with her,and to make her happy. If she makes fun of you it is a good sign she is interested in you.
  • Girls get jealous very easily. Making up a girlfriend you met on a trip will increase your mystique and sex appeal.
  • Avoid acting conceited, snobby, or self absorbed. Girls do not respect boys like this AT ALL. If you're just trying to beat your "kiss" record, and you're not actually interested in the girl, don't bother.
  • Body language is very important. Be sure to keep a sturdy, upright frame and look her in the eye. Now, be careful not to stare at her either. Being natural is key.
  • If you are nervous, and going out to meet women, be sure to start talking to people as soon as you reach your destination. Chat up the staff at the door, or the people who let you into the party. Be open from the start.
  • Put on great-smelling perfume (temporary liver worst scent) girls love that!!! Research the best-selling ones at department stores. Unless, that is, the girls you like tend to be more on the outdoors or tomboy side of things. Some girls detest the scent of cologne. Do not marinate yourself with scents. Ladies complain of too much cologne, not too little. Do not exceed the maximum of three sprays on the upper body. Especially if you wear cologne every day. It's the general problem where a person gradually becomes accustomed to the cologne levels in their own scent so that they need more and more of the stuff to be able to smell it on themselves. You might not be able to smell it, but it's there.
  • Guys do not need to look like Brad Pitt to find a girlfriend. Just keep hair, teeth, and nails clean and neat. Ladies are quick to notice little details especially in the hands and faces. Don't think you're ugly, if you look at the boyfriends of other attractive girls, you'll find that most of them aren't like Brad Pitt either.
  • Be a good conversationalist. Read up on the latest in politics, entertainment, and and even sports news. Women love a well-informed man. It makes him look well-educated and, therefore, richer in every aspect. Or just actually be well-educated.
  • Do listen to the lady before responding. Women do not like to be cut off. They like to be considered and feel important.
  • If she does get cut off, when the other conversation is over, go back and ask her what she was saying. It is a very nice thing to do, and makes you look like a leader.
  • Do pay on the first drink, first date, first taxi cab ride, etc. It makes a gentleman out of a man.
  • Very important - offer to walk or drive the lady home (or anywhere she wants to go). This makes the man seem sincerely concerned for her well-being.
  • Don't say things you need to explain, this is the biggest mood killer.
  • Be honest and forthright, but not aggressive. Girls appreciate you telling them how you feel.
  • Don't annoy your girl by texting her every night. If she texts you, reply, but unless you have something to say then don't text. It gets annoying when someone keeps texting you saying "what r u doing?", so if you absolutely can't go without saying something every day, at least correct your grammar. At the very minimum, spell words correctly. Instead text about something that happened to you that reminded you of her, it could lead to a good conversations starter the next time you meet her.
  • Don't be afraid to display your affection in public, but be aware that not all girls like that.
  • Dress to match: blacks and whites, browns and blues, etc. Even if they don't say anything, girls notice.
  • Don't be afraid to touch her, if you find yourself flirting, lightly touch her arm or waist.
  • Be a gentleman! Open car doors for her and remember the "ladies first" rule.
  • Be yourself.
  • If you're going to the movies, get one large popcorn to share it, and maybe your hands will touch.
  • Grinning like the Cheshire cat can often creep someone out.
  • Taking over the entire conversation is overbearing and rude.
  • Do not insist relentlessly on an offer when the lady has turned it down. It may be that she has no use for or does not feel good about the suggestion. Pushing her to accept will only increase the possibility of rejection. *tell her that you want to have a sexual conversation
  • Be a close talker. every girl likes that.*Don't make disgusting body jokes or ask them questions that are too personal.
  • Make her feel like a human being instead of a sex object.
  • Do not tell your friends about secrets or personal information she has told you. If she wanted your friends to know, then she would share it with them. Until then, you should assume the information is for your knowledge only.
  • Don't over-compliment the girl. Complimenting is good, but if you do it too much, she will probably just think you're desperate or weird.
  • Don't be too concerned for what mood the girl is in. A short, "are you feeling okay?" is fine, but DO NOT comment on how the girl appears to be. Girls don't like guys that say "you seem upset" all the time.
  • Flirt not only with her, but a little with other girls as well. In fact, when you are first meeting the girl you should befriend her friends before her. But make sure she knows its her you want. Women are like sheep following a leader, if one girl is attracted to you. Another girl will notice and she will get attracted to you because the first girl is. Smiling, joking around, making the people around you happy. If you can manage that, you can get pretty much any girl.
  • Immerse yourself in a group of girls. Trios of girls are the easiest target. Try to be in their lab and study groups as much as possible.
  • Remember, girls will let you know within a short time if they are interested. If you seem not to find someone interested in you, or have a bunch of rejections, don't get down. Sometimes being single is a plus.
  • Also keep in mind that if she talks to you first or carries on the conversation, then that means that there is something about you that she likes.
  • Teasing about small things is almost always good, but don't take it too far.

  • 1. If you believe that your reputation in the area that you live in isn't "up-to-par"...chances are it's not good. So don't go flirt and act like your ignorant (Don't get me wrong...ignorance and stupidity really seems to attract girls real well) to a girl that knows your reputation just from her sources. The only time this is ever successful is only in the movies.
  • 2. If a hot girl with a much better reputation(out of your league) decides to "allow you"(which is exactly she is doing) to become her boyfriend under these circumstances, then, she probably isn't interested in you in the way you would want her to be. She is probably using you as a way of getting back at her ex or doing it for fun or testing you for informative purposes - etc...
  • 3. A lot of people marry out of their league, for lust only, or with a hidden agenda(not shared). This leads to a horrible marriage life including frequent arguments, unhappiness, unfaithfulness, abuse of your own children, etc. Before popping the question, make sure you know what exactly your getting into(If you know what I mean).

How to Get a Date from a Girl Who is Always Busy

How to Get a Date from a Girl Who is Always Busy

You want to go on a date with a girl, but she is always busy. What do you do?


  1. Make sure that she is actually busy. Some girls will use "busy" as an excuse to not go out with you, in order to not hurt your feelings. If this is the case, stop asking her out. Continuing this will only cause pain to both her and you.
  2. Find out what she's doing. Is she interested in sports? Is she always out with her friends? Where does she go when she is constantly busy? Don't be a stalker, but as casual questions to find out the answers.
  3. Get interested. Once you know where she is going, try to be there at the same times. Get involved in the same sports, activities, or clubs that she is. This will also give you a common bond and something to talk about.
  4. Make your date in advance. Giving her advance notice will help insure that she isn't busy on that day. Be as specific as possible when giving the time.
  5. Don't be discouraged. Even if she says no, it isn't the end of the world. Respect her decision. Begging is not going to get you anywhere.
  • Make sure that you really want to go out with this girl. You are putting a lot on the line.
  • If you are too embarrassed to ask the girl about what she likes to do, talk to her friends. They can be a valuable resource.
  • Make sure you know when, where, and what you will be doing on your date before you ask her.
Avoid Wasting Time On FaceBook

Some People Love Face Book to to Keep in Touch with Friends. However, Facebook seems to be set up to try to draw you in and spend (waste) more time there, and to get your friends to spend more time there. If you just want to use it to keep in touch with people, renew contact with old friends, and just maybe do some networking, here are some ways to avoid wasting too much time.

  1. Ignore requests. When someone sends you a request, you may not be able to see the full details of the request. You may wonder if it's important, or interesting. But if you really just want to check out the networks and not get completely into the more frivolous activities (playing vampires and werewolves, for example) then don't feel you have to respond to those requests. They do take time.

    • Leave a note (in your status, on your "wall...") that explains you often won't reply to most requests.
    • Remember, a lot of FaceBook Applications send requests to all friends by default, so your friends may not really be expecting you to respond.
    • On your "confirm requests" page, you don't have to click "ignore" on every request. Scan the page, see if there's anything of value - e.g. any old friends you're happy to hear from - and after you've approved them, click "Ignore all" near the top right.
  2. Stop the constant emails:

    • Click settings (top right) and choose Account settings, then the Notifications. Switch most of the options to "off". You may have to click Show more at the bottom to select for all applications, and you may need to do this again when you add new applications.
    • Alternatively,so you don't get distracted by frequent emails from Facebook. Just go to the site regularly enough to catch stuff that you are interested in. Check the requests and notifications on the site itself - if you're a few days late it generally won't matter.

      • Simple filter example: filter out anything from E.g. if you use Gmail, make a filter and for "From:" enter, and in the next step choose "Skip the Inbox (Archive it)".
      • You might make an exception for emails for certain types of notifications, e.g. with the text added you as a friend on Facebook, if you don't want to risk missing friend requests. E.g. in Gmail, when you're setting up the filter, for "Doesn't have:" enter "added you as a friend on Facebook". (You can add more than one phrase using OR and putting quotes around each complete phrase.)
  3. Avoid games and third-party applications (apps). Playing games, and rating your friends will suck up your time before you know it.

  4. Go offline chat. You're about to log out of Facebook, then a good pal of yours sends you an IM. You'll stay on to chat for a while, and before you know it you decide to look at some pictures, explore some groups, and there goes another hour. To avoid getting IMed, click on the Chat button in the bottom right corner and choose "Go Offline." This way no friends can IM you. Lots of time can be wasted on Facebook if you're waiting for a friend to reply to a message you sent. So don't feel the need to stay logged on after sending a friend a message or a Wall post, either. You'll reply next time you go on.

  5. Bring a timer with you to the computer. Whether it's the timer on your watch, or an actual kitchen timer that "dings" when the time is up, make it a habit to start the clock as soon as you get on Facebook, and get off as soon as your time is up. Fifteen minutes might be a healthy amount of time to spend on a Facebook session.
    • If you use Firefox, you can use the LeechBlock add-on to track your time spent on and kick you off after a period of time you specify.
    • Also, instead of habitually going on Facebook as part of your routine, set incentives for yourself before going on. This is a good idea if you find yourself ending up on Facebook when you're supposed to be working. Like "I'll allow myself to go on for 15 minutes after I finish this assignment" or "I'll look at those new pictures after I finish this chore." Also consider having a temporary, password-protected internet filter for on while you're working. Give the password to a trusted family member or roommate, and ask them to activate it before you begin and deactivate it after you're finished.


  • If you don't respond to many requests from friends, don't send many either - you don't want to seem like a hypocrite.
  • Consider quitting Facebook and state that you are too addicted. True friends will understand.
  • Each invitation to install an application (e.g. to accept a gift, to recognize someone's selection of you as their BFF, etc) includes an option to ignore all requests from the application in question. Clicking this will suppress those really obnoxious and/or annoying requests.
  • Also avoid note surveys/quizzes- they are addicting, and waste your time. Not to mention that your friends will start to get annoyed after being tagged in 10 different surveys every day.