Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Know when You Love A Guy

How to Know when You Love A Guy

He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not... Shouldn't there be a flower that you can say I love him, I don't love him, I love him, I don't love him... You are probably thinking, "Of course I know if I like him or not! This is stupid!". Unfourtunatly, some people don't know; other wise, they are confused. Here are some tips that can officially help you find out if you love that person.

  1. Constantly checking his profile/ website/ blog. Whether it is an AIM profile or a MySpace, you're always trying to figure out what he is doing.
  2. Always smiling and being a good sport when you see him. This is one of the main ways to know you are in love, especially if you are one of those people who get mad easily.
  3. When ever you see him in a crowd, he is the only one you see. This may not happen to everyone, but it DOES happen.
  4. You can actually feel that you can act normal in front of him. Not like that Oh-My-Gosh-He-Is-So-Hot-I'm-Going-To-Go-Stalk-Him-Now type of thing.If you can be chill and stay comfortable, youre in.
  5. SMILE! You just can't wipe that huge grin off your face when ever you see him no matter how upset you are.
  6. Everytime you hear his voice, his face pops up in your head and you smile.
  7. He's the first thing on your mind when you wake-up, and the last when you go to bed.
  8. You just want to be with him every second of everyday.
  9. You cut off all contacts with other male friends, because he's the only one your focused on.
  10. Daydreaming about you two futures together.