Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Flirt if You Are a Shy Girl

How to Flirt if You Are a Shy Girl

You like this guy in one of your classes at school and you would love to get to know him better, except that you are way too shy. No worries. This guide will help you!
  1. Find the right location and timing. Sometimes the best flirters can't get their crushes because they flirt at the wrong time and place, so you should plan ahead on when and where to flirt before you make your move. Try talking in the halls, at the lunch table, before class, or while running in gym class. Don't try getting his attention when he is surrounded by a huge group of friends, unless he invites you over. Not possible? Go up to him when he's only talking to one or two friends.
  2. Joke around. Most guys love girls with a sense of humor. Mention comedy shows/movies, such as 'The Simpsons', 'Family Guy', and 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'. If you don't know any of these shows/movies, then ask your crush about them. Or mention something funny that one of your teachers did in class.
  3. Be casual. Guys do not want to be around drama queens. Your dream boy does not want to hear about your big fight with your BFF, especially when you two are only getting to know each other. Try to be low key and stay to topics such as movies, teachers, homework, sports team, and books. Getting to know guys as friends first will make things easier for you!
  4. Ask questions and tell stories. Don't talk about yourself all the time! If he's being a bit quiet during a conversation, ask him a question, like "So, what did you get on the math test?" or "You will not believe what we did in science class today!" Be a bit excited so he'll listen.
  5. Flirt with him physically. If you two are sitting next to each other while talking, elbow him slightly and laugh when he teases you. If you have known each other for awhile, you can wink and touch his hand subtly and get away with it.
  6. Be slightly hard to get. You shouldn't throw yourself at him to get him to like you. Being a little hard to get gives him a challenge. For example, if he ask you if you want to go to the movies, say "I'm not sure, I might have plans." Say it with a little smile and he'll know that you're just teasing. And if you actually like him and want to do more than just flirt, mention that you like someone. It'll drive him crazy and he'll want to know who it is and if it is him or not. It will also strike up a conversation, which is an ultimate plus.
  • Use your quirks as an advantage! If you snort when laughing and he starts making fun of you, say in a nice-but-teasing tone, "Well, excuse me if I'm not afraid to be different!"
  • Be fresh and clean! Remember to shower and shave, use deodorant, and if you want to, put some light weight perfume that smells like lemon or vanilla.
  • Smile! Even if you have braces, give him a little smile to adore!
  • Have faith in yourself. Even if you are scared to talk to a guy, just pretend you are talking to one of your friends.
  • Remember, flirting should be fun, not hard. If it doesn't work out, there is always other people to flirt with.
  • Do not flirt with guys who have girlfriends. This will lead to major drama, especially if the boy you like is your friend's boyfriend. Wait until they break up!
  • Just because you are skinny, beautiful, and rich doesn't mean that a boy will like you. You need to be nice, genuine, and funny.
  • Be careful when flirting. People sometimes get hurt when flirting. Protect your heart!
  • Flirting should be fun. If the guy doesn't like you, move on to the next guy. There are many out there!