How to Let Her Know You Love Her
Letting her know you love her is possibly the hardest thing a man has to do, hopefully with the help of this article you might hit the bulls eye.Steps
- First, get to know the girl you want to go out with, BUT DON'T JUMP AHEAD, just start off with some conversation, give her a compliment every now and then, if she blushes then you're definitely on the right track.
- Sit next to her if she's in your school, if you can get a little closer, so she can adjust to your wavelength and she might even know what you're trying to say without you saying anything.
- Swap numbers or email addresses, but remember one thing. She is the one who will say "Hi" everytime you log on, never ever start the conversation off, the same with texting, she will be the one who texts 50000 times a day, and you WILL respond to every single one of them, that way she knows you're listening. You don't have to act interested, but don't let her know this, crack a few jokes over the phone when you get to that stage and if you can, keep her on the line as long as possible, it might give you an expensive phone bill but a woman admires anyone who listens to her. Also make sure you and her have the same tastes, like music and tv shows etc. If she is different to you, just say you like that as well even if you don't. A woman likes it when you like what she likes, even if you don't but don't tell her that or she'll think you've been lying the whole time.
- Once you start to get better acquainted, ask her out for a date, now this step is critical: NEVER EVER DO IT OVER MSN OR IN A TEXT, she will think you're too scared to ask her personally and she won't take you as serious if you did as her face to face. You know she wants to because she replies positively, but if she says "Another Time" or "I might not be able to go" Don't think she doesn't like you, she will date you when she's ready. Also, try and take her somewhere nice, if you're going to grab a bite to eat, take her someplace nice, never McDonalds or she might think you're low class, let her choose, love is expensive, you need some money to get round her every now and then.
- During the date, show gestures and positive body language, you know she is really liking you because she looks at you, looks away and flutters her eyelids at the floor. If she tries touching your hand and gives silly excuses you know are lies, that's good too, she wants to get physical with you, but don't overdo it. Look at her face, not at her chest, this shows you respect her and she'll like this. If you have to burp or fart, keep it in, never ever release it, she'll be grossed out and might find you unattractive. If she stares into your eyes and smiles, take this as a definate sign she enjoyed tonight, but don't assume she loves you, that will come later.
- Take her home, walk her or drive her, when you get there, walk her to her door, this will definately let her know you're loyal and really really like her, it would be better to walk her home rather than drive her there, if she tries to hold your hand, let her and hold her like she's a piece of delicate glass. If she starts blushing or sweating, this is a very very good sign, if she says "I had a wonderful night" this is good, if she pecks you on the cheek, even better, but let her kiss you then leave her to go in her house, never ever try and go for the lips, unless she goes for yours first.
- So you've taken her out, got the sign she likes you and she gave you a peck on the cheek. Now you have to persevere, if it's valentine's day, send a friendly gesture, a box of chocolates or teddy bear is a classic, this will tell her what you wanted to say, you really love her, she knows you love her but you need to get her side of the story as well, it's doubtful she wouldn't want to go out with you at this point, but once she gives you the answer you want, keep your relationship strong. Who knows you might even get more than a kiss next time :-)