You might be struck by the beauty of a particular girl at a party and might want to make a move towards talking to her.
If the girl too likes you then even if her mind and attitude initially indicate otherwise, her heart and her body are sure to indicate boldly that they like you.
Here are 4 tips on how to know if a girl likes you or not by her body language.
The 1st tip would be to slyly observe the girl from a distance. Is she also throwing casual glances towards you that seem to be stuck on you for a longer-than-usual time?
If so, then she too is pleased by what she sees and her heart and eyes might have already jumped over to your side.
The second tip would be to strike up a conversation with her, if possible by using the help of a common friend as that would build up the trust factor quickly.
Observe her body language whilst talking to her. If she fiddles with her hair, looks shyly at you and then gazes away and takes full interest in the conversation then her ears too are shouting out a huge 'yes'.
The 3rd tip will involve her entire body. If she leans towards you when you are talking to her and flips her hair behind her ear to offer it as a microphone then sing 'hallelujah'.
This move indicates that she would certainly like to know you better and her mind might now have been totally outnumbered by all her body parts clamoring to get near you.
The 4th tip would be to win her mind over as well. Use humor to good effect and watch if she laughs at your jokes.
If she laughs so much that her fingers need to hold on to your arms for support then she is totally into you, body, heart and mind.
So, simply use these 4 tips and read her body language accurately to find out if the girl that you like is ready to reciprocate your feelings in a positive manner.
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